Swami Bharatikrishna Tirtha rediscovered Indian mathematics from the Vedas.
The ancient system thus came to be known as Vedic mathematics.
This system of solving mathematical problems helps solve very difficult problems immediately and with ease.
It is this factor of Vedic maths, along with the fact that calculations can be carried out mentally, that parents all over are opting to enrol their children for this course.

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What is Vedic Maths?

•World's Fastest Mental Maths System.
•System based on 16 Sutras or Word Formulas.
•Far more systematic, simplified and unified than the conventional system.
•Eradicates Math Phobia and creates interest towards the subject.
•Builds and strengthens Math Concepts.

Why is it called 'Vedic'?

•Vedic comes from Vedas which means the fountainhead of all knowledge.
•Also because the sources of the Sutras were found in Ancient Vedic Texts.

Benefits of Vedic Maths

We live in an age of a tremendous amount of competition and Vedic Mathematics methods come to us as a boon to face all the competition.
Many students fear maths as it requires a higher amount of effort in learning.
However, Vedic Maths can be learnt and mastered with minimum effort in a very short span of time and can be translated into a playful and blissful subject.

Several Advantages Of Vedic Maths Are:

•It reduces the burden of remembering large amounts of stuff because it requires you to learn tables up to 9 only.
•It enables faster calculations when compared to the conventional method.
Thus, the time that gets saved in the process can be used to answer more questions.
•It acts as a tool for reducing finger counting and scratch work.
•It plays an important role in increasing concentration as well as improving confidence.
•It is very simple, direct, totally unconventional, original and straightforward.
•It encourages mental calculations.

Scope of Vedic Maths

• Covers a range of topics from Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus.
• Globally Maths Skills are in decline.
• Vedic Maths Applicable from Schools to Colleges in Entrance Exams .
• Applications in the field of IT.
• It is currently being practised in the curriculum of South Africa, Oman, UAE, Nigeria and Ghana. Soon, it will be implemented in Singapore & Thailand.

Details of the Course

Levels 1 to 3              : Children above 12 Years
Duration of Class    : 2 hours per week
Duration of Level    : 3 months per level
Duration of Course : 3 levels - 9 months