
How to decode mathematics to get the best out of your child

Mathematics has always been one of the most misunderstood subjects. It’s always perceived as difficult subject for the kids, but eventually when we grow up we realize ‘Mathematics is Fun.’

So, why we feel that JUJU about Mathematics…huh?

While Mathematics has been presented to us it was always introduced as a Complicated Subject by the parents, teachers, and everyone. A student’s intelligence and emotional quotient gets judged or analyzed by his/her performance in this subject. Moreover, the process sets in at very early academic age while the child is growing up. In the other words, it’s during this time a child develop their cognitive abilities.

So considering these basic scenarios, a kid gets conditioned in a very unhealthy way towards this subject, which manifest as a repulsion towards the subject. The student gives up before trying. If it really sounds weird, just revisit your childhood. Either you have excelled or struggled in Mathematics, depending on how the subject has been introduced to you.

Well, this thought process has to change this thought now. But How?

Introduction and Understanding of the Subject

As a subject, Mathematics is based on logical reasoning, irrespective of deducing 2+2 to the most sophisticated Quantum Theory Explanations. So, introduce the subject as a tool for cultivating logical reasoning faculty of your kid. To make it further simpler and tangible, keep Home Revise App handy. This app is available in Play Store and mapped with the text books recommended by C.B.S.E, I.C.S.E and Maharashtra State Board.

Explaining the concepts of Mathematics

This is one of the very important aspects if you really want to decode mathematics to get the best out of your child. There is always an interesting way of explaining different concepts of this subject. Just like the very clichéd proverb – Not all the fingers are same; likewise, the process of Perceiving, comprehending and assimilating tendencies is different for every kid. Just like you need to figure out the size of your ring depending on the finger you will be putting it, similarly you need to figure out what approach suits your child. To opt for a smarter and generic approach you can just tune in to the Animated Video section of Home Revise App. The app explains every concept of the subject in a very interesting and lucid way

Understanding the Psyche of your kid

Most of the times, the parents unconsciously try to explain the subject from their level of understanding. For instance, explaining BODMAS concept may appear very easy to you, but remember, he is getting acquainted with it for the first time. So, passing judgements during repetitive explanation isn’t healthy.

It creates a negative attitude towards the subject. Remember, if he can’t comprehend what you’re trying to say, change the technique of your explanation. You need to work on your teaching style rather than blaming it on your kids. In this scenario, as a parent you can also refer to the Home Revise Elearning App and see how the mapped lessons from school text books are designed for their understanding

The new-age kids demand the convenience e of modern technology. Considering the present education scenario, a smart phone study app can do wonders on different levels; and yeah…when we are blessed with one, why not make the most from it.

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